Using Multiple Choices

Multiple-choice questions in SmartTutor 360 provide a structured way to test learners’ knowledge by presenting them with a set of options for each question, among which they must select the correct answer. The tool enables creators to design diverse and dynamic assessments, including single-answer, multiple-answer, and even scenario-based questions.

Insert a Multiple Choices Question

1. Go to Quiz tab on the ribbon, click New Question and choose Multiple Choice

2. Go to Home/Insert tab, click New Slide to insert a new slide with question placeholders

Setting Correct Answer

For multiple choice question type, you must also indicate which answer is correct—just select the radio button  for the correct response(s). Double click radio button to set current answer  to correct answer.

Multiple Choice Questions

Setting Question Properties

To set a score and report for a Multiple Choice question, select the Answer area of the question. Then, go to the Properties pane > Quiz tab > Question Section

Question Type: Select question type of question:

  • Graded: measure learners’ performance
  • Survey: collect learners’ feedback or information

Report Answer: track learners’ results or not. interaction ID: id of interaction objects

Points of a correct answer: set points for correct answers

Number of attempts: set the maximum number of attempts that learners can interact with the question

Shuttle Answer: mix up answer options when the question is presented to learners

Limit time to answer the question: set a time limit that only allows learners to respond to the question in the given period.

Customizing Feedback Layout

SmartTutor automatically adds default feedback layers for Multiple Choice questions.

Graded Survey
Correct Feedback Complete Feedback
Incorrect Feedback Incomplete Feedback
Try Again Feedback Timeout Feedback
Incomplete Feedback
Timeout Feedback

Note: you can delete, change, or add more if necessary. To open feedback layouts in SmartTutor 360, go to View tab, click Feedback Master.

Customizing Event & Actions

Go to View tab. click Properties Pane, choose Event & Actions tab to open it.


SmartTutor offers default events and actions for Multiple Choice questions.

Graded Survey
On Correct On Complete
On Incorrect On Incomplete
On Incomplete On Timeout
On Timeout

For more details, see this user guide.