SmartTutor 360

Using Select from Multiple List

When creating interactive eLearning content, using Select from Multiple Lists within a single question can be an effective way to challenge learners and assess their knowledge. This type of question allows you to combine several related dropdowns into one interaction, making it ideal for matching exercises, fill-in-the-blanks, or complex scenario-based questions. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up and customizing Select from Multiple Lists questions in SmartTutor 360.

Step by Step insert Select from Multiple Lists question

Step 1: Inserting Select from Multiple Lists Question

To create a question with multiple dropdowns, start by opening your project in SmartTutor 360. Navigate to the Quiz tab and select Select from Multiple Lists. Add as many dropdown elements as needed to your slide.

For example, if you’re designing a matching question where learners need to select the correct term for several definitions, you would insert a separate dropdown for each definition.

Step 2: Customizing Each Dropdown

Once you’ve added the dropdowns, you can customize each one individually.

  • Question Text: Provide clear instructions for your learners. For instance, you might say, “Select the correct term from each dropdown to match the definition provided.”
  • Dropdown Options: Click on each dropdown to edit the options. Enter the possible answers for that specific dropdown.
  • Correct Answers: Assign the correct answer for each dropdown. This is crucial for automatic grading.

Each dropdown can have different options or share some common ones, depending on the complexity of the question.

Step 3: Arranging and Styling the Dropdowns

To ensure that your question is easy to navigate, it’s important to arrange and style your dropdowns properly.

  • Layout: Align the dropdowns with the corresponding text or images. You can use grids or guides in SmartTutor 360 to help with alignment.
  • Consistency: Ensure all dropdowns have a consistent look and feel. You can use the Format tab to apply the same styling to all dropdowns, including font type, size, color, and borders.

A well-organized layout helps reduce cognitive load and enhances the learner’s experience.

Step 4: Setting Up Scoring Rules

One of the key advantages of using multiple dropdowns is the ability to assign different scoring rules.

  • Partial Scoring: If your question has several dropdowns, you may want to enable partial scoring. This means learners can earn points for each correct answer, even if they don’t get all of them right.
  • Overall Scoring: Alternatively, you can require all dropdowns to be correct for the learner to receive any points. This approach works well for high-stakes assessments.

To configure these settings, go to the Properties pane and adjust the scoring rules according to your needs.

Step 5: Adding Feedback

Providing feedback is essential for effective learning. SmartTutor 360 allows you to give immediate feedback based on the learner’s responses.

  • Correct/Incorrect Feedback: Customize feedback messages for each dropdown or for the entire question. For example, if a learner selects the wrong answer in one dropdown, you can provide a hint or explanation to guide them.
  • Try Again: Enable the “Try Again” option if you want learners to have another attempt at the question.

Feedback can be given through text, audio, or even branching to another slide based on the learner’s choices.

Step 6: Previewing and Publishing Your Course

As always, it’s crucial to preview your work before publishing. Click on the Preview button to test how the multiple dropdowns question behaves.

  • Ensure that each dropdown functions correctly.
  • Verify that the correct answers are being recognized and scored appropriately.
  • Check the layout and style to make sure everything looks polished.

Once satisfied, you can publish your course in various formats, including HTML5, SCORM, or standalone executables.

Benefits of Using Multiple Dropdowns

Using Select from Multiple Lists in a single question can significantly enhance the interactivity and depth of your eLearning content. Here are some benefits:

  • Complex Assessments: Multiple dropdowns allow for more complex assessments, enabling you to test a learner’s knowledge across several related items within a single question.
  • Space Efficiency: Combining multiple dropdowns into one question helps save space on the slide, keeping your layout clean and organized.
  • Improved Engagement: This question type keeps learners actively engaged, as they need to interact with several elements to complete the task.


Select from Multiple Lists questions are a powerful tool in your eLearning arsenal, enabling you to create rich, interactive content that thoroughly assesses learners’ understanding. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily set up and customize these questions in SmartTutor 360 to fit your course’s needs.

Try incorporating Select from Multiple Lists into your next eLearning project, and watch how it enhances both engagement and effectiveness!