SmartTutor 360

Working with Checkboxes

SmartTutor 360 is a powerful tool for creating interactive e-learning content, including the use of radio buttons for quizzes, surveys, or forms. Here’s a basic tutorial on how to work with radio buttons in SmartTutor 360

Insert Checkbox

Go to the Home tab > Insert tab > Input dropdown > Checkbox

Insert Checkbox

Click anywhere on the Canvas, or hold and drag the mouse on the Canvas then release it.

Customize Checkbox

When you add a new object, it shows up with a basic look, and its color might change depending on the theme. But don’t worry—you can change it if you want! The Format tab has lots of options to make it just the way you like.

Checkbox Styles
Checkbox StylesApply built-in quick styles to checkbox
Checkbox FillFill the selected checkbox with a solid color.
Checkbox OutlinePick the color, width for the outline of your checkbox.
Checkbox ColorSpecify the color for checkmark of the selected checkbox.

Show Checkmark

To show or hide checkmark , click Properties tab -> Show Checkmark

Working with States

A radio button object comes with 8 built-in states. They control its look when users interact with it. 

Checkbox states
  • Normal (Default): This is the initial state when it first appears in the output. 
  • Hover: The state when users hover the mouse over it. 
  • Pressed: The state when users click on it.
  • Disabled: The state when it is disabled. In this state, it is still visible to users, but they cannot interact with it. 
  • Normal CheckedHover CheckedPress CheckedDisabled Checked:  These are the states of selected checkboxes or radio buttons. 

You can customize those built-in states or add more states if necessary. 

For more information, see How to Change States of Objects.

Add Actions

These objects don’t have actions when you first use them, unlike some others. But if you add feedback captions, SmartTutor 360 will automatically create actions to show the caption when needed.

On CheckOccur when users uncheck it.
On UncheckOccur when users check it. 
On TimeoutOccur when users don’t respond within the specified time.
On Mouse Enter: Occur when the mouse rolls over it.
On Mouse LeaveOccur when the mouse rolls out of it.

Insert and Customize Feedback Caption

You can add two feedback messages to a radio button. They are Timeout Message and Hint Message:

See more

Working with Radio Button

Working with Buttons

Working with Dropdowns

Working with Slider