Working with Variables

In SmartTutor 360, a variable stores information in a project. This article introduces and explains variables in SmartTutor 360, the different types of variables, inserting, naming, and using variables.

Variables are also a great way to add conditional interactivity to courses (view Working with Actions). And the good news is you don’t have to know anything about coding!

Like all programming languages, SmartTutor 360 uses variables to store values. You can use variables while designing interactions, displaying a learner’s name on a certificate, or even using them to calculate assessment scores. In other words, you can use variables to track a learner’s progress, assessment, navigation, and more.

Types of variables

There are two types of variables in SmartTutor – System  Variables and User Variables.

System Variables

System variables are pre-defined variables in Captivate. You cannot create a system variable or change the name of a system variable. System variables are read-only.

The following are examples of a system variable:

  • Date_DateDDMMYY is a system variable that returns the date in dd/mm/yyyy format.
  • Quiz_Score returns the number of points that are scored in a quiz.

User Variables

User variables are variables you can create and name as you like. The name you assign to a user variable must not conflict with SmartTutor’s internal functions, reserved keywords, exposed system variables, or other hidden variables.

Example :

Quiz_ScoreSubtract : subtract score when learner answers incorrectly.

Variable data types in SmartTutor 360

SmartTutor supports three data types for variables.

  1. Number: The Number variable stores numeric values. Number data types are commonly used in reporting quiz scores, tracking user progress, mathematical operations, or gamification.
  2. True or False: True or False or Boolean variables contain a true or false value. Use this variable type to create conditional interaction logic, track user choice, or branching.
  3. Text: The Text variable stores text values. Text variables store characters, such as words or sentences. Use this variable type to capture text-based input, display feedback messages, or hold locale-based content.
  4. Command : Command variables are systems specific variables used to control the movie player

List of variables

Name Type Default Value Description
Info_Version TEXT 1.5.0 Returns the version of the application.
Info_Creator TEXT creator Returns the name of the project author.
Info_Website TEXT Returns the home page of the project.
Info_Copyright TEXT copyright Returns the copyright information of the project.
Info_ProjectName TEXT Returns the project name.
Info_Description TEXT Returns the project description.
Project_CurrentSlideLabel TEXT Returns the current slide name.
Project_ElapsedTime TEXT Returns the elapsed time in the format hh:mm:ss since the presentation started playing.
Project_ElapsedTimeMs NUMBER 0 Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds since the presentation started playing.
Project_RemainingTime TEXT Returns the remaining time in the format hh:mm:ss.
Project_RemainingTimeMs NUMBER Returns the remaining time in milliseconds.
Project_SlideCount NUMBER Returns the total number of slides in the project.
Project_VisitedSlideCount NUMBER Returns the number of taken slides in the project.
Quiz_InReview TRUE/FALSE Returns true if presentation in review mode.
Quiz_Score NUMBER 0 Returns the total score.
Quiz_ScorePercentage NUMBER 0 Returns the total score as a percentage.
Quiz_MaxScore NUMBER 0 Returns the highest score.
Quiz_PassedFaildText TEXT Returns the result of the quiz as passed or failed.
Quiz_PassedFaild TRUE/FALSE Returns the result of the quiz as true (passed) or false (failed).
Quiz_QuestionCount NUMBER 0 Returns the total number of interactions in the project.
Quiz_AnsweredQuestionCount NUMBER 0 Returns the number of taken interactions in the project.
Quiz_UnansweredQuestionCount NUMBER 0 Returns the number of unanswered interactions in the project.
Quiz_CorrectAnswerCount NUMBER 0 Returns the number of correct interactions in the project.
Quiz_IncorrectAnswerCount NUMBER 0 Returns the number of incorrect interactions in the project.
Quiz_Result TEXT Returns the detailed report.
Quiz_CorrectResult TEXT Returns the detailed report with correct responses.
Date_CurrentTime TEXT Returns the current time in the format hh:mm:ss.
Date_CurrentDay NUMBER Returns the day of the week. The range is from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday).
Date_CurrentHour TEXT Returns the current hour in the 24-hour format.
Date_CurrentMinutes TEXT Returns the current minutes in the format mm.
Date_CurrentMonth TEXT Returns the current month in the format mm.
Date_CurrentYear TEXT Returns the current year in the format yyyy.
Date_CurrentLocaleDate TEXT Returns the current date in the format of the locale on the viewer’s computer.
Date_ProjectLocaleDate TEXT Returns the current date in the format of the project language.
Date_DateMMDDYYYY TEXT mm/dd/yyyy Returns the current date in the format mm/dd/yyyy.
Date_DateMMDDYY TEXT mm/dd/yy Returns the current date in the format mm/dd/yy.
Date_DateDDMMYYYY TEXT dd/mm/yyyy Returns the current date in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
Date_DateDDMMYY TEXT dd/mm/yy Returns the current date in the format dd/mm/yy.
Date_DateYYYYMMDD TEXT yyyy/mm/dd Returns the current date in the format yyyy/mm/dd.
Date_DateYYMMDD TEXT yy/mm/dd Returns the current date in the format yy/mm/dd.
Project_CurrentSlideIndex NUMBER 0 Gets or set the current slide index, starts from 1. Set the value to a number to go to the slide at that index number.
Project_Pause TRUE/FALSE true Set or checks if the presentation is paused. Set the value to true to pause the presentation.
Project_Resume TRUE/FALSE true Set or checks if the presentation is playing. Set the value to true to continue the presentation.
Project_Progress NUMBER 0 Gets or set the current progress of the presentation in milliseconds. Set the value to a number to go to a specific time of the presentation.
Project_Speed NUMBER 1 Gets or set the playback speed. The range is from 50% to 200%.
Project_MuteAudio TRUE/FALSE Mutes or unmutes the audio. Set the value to true to mute the audio.
Project_Volume NUMBER Gets or set the audio volume. The range is from 0 (mute) to 100 (maximum).
Project_CloseCaptions TRUE/FALSE true Shows or hides the closed caption. Set the value to true to show the closed caption.
Project_ShowBottomBar TRUE/FALSE true Shows or hides the bottom bar. Set the value to true to show bottom bar.
Project_ShowOutline TRUE/FALSE true Shows or hides the outline. Set the value to true to show the outline.
Project_ShowSidebar TRUE/FALSE true Shows or hides the side bar. Set the value true to show the side bar.
Command_NextSlide COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the next slide.
Command_PreviousSlide COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the previous slide.
Command_FirstSlide COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the first slide.
Command_LastSlide COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the last slide.
Command_HistoryBack COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the previously visited slide in the navigation history.
Command_HistoryForward COMMAND Set the value to true to go to the next slide in the navigation history.
Command_End COMMAND Set the value to true to end the course.
Command_Restart COMMAND Set the value to true to restart the course.
Command_ShowProjectInfo COMMAND Set the value to true to show the information dialog.

Create a variable

  1. Go to Home tab on the ribbon, click Variables button to open Variables dialog box
  2. When the Variables window opens, click the Create a new variable icon () in the bottom left corner.
  3. Give your variable a recognizable name so it’s easy to identify later.
    Add Variable dialog box
  4. Choose the Type of variable you want to create. SmartTutor 360 supports three types:
    • True/False: True/False variables are often called Boolean variables. They’re either true or false. They’re great for creating toggle buttons and restricting learners’ options. For example, you might use a true/false variable to track whether a certain event has occurred, then let learners proceed to the next slide only when the variable is true.
    • Text: Text variables hold text values. Common uses include personalizing content by displaying the learner’s name throughout a course and evaluating text-based interactions. Text variables can hold up to 32,767 characters.
    • Number: Number variables hold numeric values. Common uses for number variables include tracking the number of times a particular event has occurred and performing mathematical calculations.Number variables can hold static values, or you can make them random by entering starting and ending values for a range of numbers.
  5. Enter a default Value. (The default value for text variables can be blank.)
  6. Click OK to save your new variable.
  7. Click OK again to close the Variables window.

Use a variable in a project

See this user guide for details.

Actions on variables

SmartTutor 360 lets you add interactions to objects using variable-based actions. The following actions are available in the Actions panel in Properties.

Need to change the value of a variable during a course? Easy. Just add an Adjust variable trigger. View this user guide to learn more about actions.

Evaluating Variables in Trigger Conditions

You can use variables to add conditions to triggers. View this user guide for details.