SmartTutor 360

Understanding Actions in SmartTutor 360

Actions typically refer to the set of instructions or events triggered by a user’s interaction with a course. They are always paired with events, that is, they occur in response to events. For example, when you click a button, a shape will hide or show.
All actions are listed as follows

Continue CourseDepending on the current state of the course:

●        If the course is playing, this action doesn’t change anything.

●        If the course has been paused, this action will continue playing the course from the time it stops.

You can pause a course in two ways:

●        Click the Properties pane > Interactivity > General > Pause course to wait for user input for any interaction object. When the object is played, the course will pause. You can choose between pausing the course just before hiding the object or pausing it after showing the object for a specific amount of time.

●        Execute the Pause course action (see below).

Pause courseHalf the course’s mainstream, thus making all the objects stop playing against the time. Users can still interact with interaction objects.

The course is paused indefinitely until one of the following actions is executed: Continue course, End course, Go to Slide, Go to Slide at Index, Go Backward or Go Forward.

End courseWhen this action happens, any further actions taken later that affect learner results (such as submitting a quiz) will be blocked. The action helps to notify an LMS that the lesson is completed or send the report to the HTTP report address if you use LMS or HTTP report respectively.

Note that this action does not mean to close the browser.

Review courseEnter the review mode where users can see correct and incorrect answers, correct values, and the overall result of each interaction and slide.
Restart courseReset the course to the original state and start from the beginning.
Go to SlideGo to a specific slide. The link is made to a specific slide, so if you move that slide to a new position, the link will follow it and jump to the new position. If the target slide is deleted, the link gets dissolved automatically.
Go to Slide at IndexGo to a slide at a specific index. When you add, remove, or reorder slides, the order of slides may change. Regardless of that, this action will jump to the nth slide in the order.
Go BackwardGo backward by a specified number of slides. The target is not a specific slide, instead the jump will land on any slide that is presently n slides away from the current slide.
Go ForwardGo forward by a specified number of slides. The target is not a specific slide, instead the jump will land on any slide that is presently n slides away from the current slide.
Go to Last Visited SlideGo to the last slide that you have visited.
Show ObjectShow an initially hidden shape, image, audio, or video object. Objects can be shown with animation and hidden automatically with animation after an amount of time. If you want to allow users to manually hide the object, execute the Hide Object action.

Subsequent actions can be blocked until this action is completed. Otherwise, subsequent actions are executed right after the object is displayed.

Hide ObjectHide any object which is displayed by the Show Object action before it disappears automatically. Objects can be hidden with exit effects.
Toggle VisibilityToggle between hide and show for the selected objects. For example, click a button to show an object if it is hidden and hide an object if it is shown. This creates a toggle effect.
Highlight ObjectHighlight an object using an emphasis effect.
Change Object StateChange the display state of a multi-state object.
Play AudioPlay an audio resource or built-in sound in your project. This action should be used to play short audio. For long audio tracks, you’re recommended to insert them into slides, make them initially hidden, and execute the Show Object action. After that, use the Hide After option in the Show Object action to stop the audio automatically or execute the Hide Object action to let users stop the audio manually.

In fact, the Play Audio action is similar to the Show Object non-blocking action with audio objects, except it doesn’t require that an audio object is inserted into a slide.

Clear User InputClear whatever users entered in a specific interaction object, for example:

●        Clear text in all text fields for text boxes and questions that contain text boxes.

●        Uncheck checkboxes or radio buttons for questions.

●        Send dropped drag sources to their original positions.

●        Return the default item of dropdowns.

SubmitSend whatever users entered in a specific interaction object to the course to evaluate.
Start TimelineStart the playback of the target timeline.
Pause TimelinePause the playback of the target timeline.
Continue TimelineResume the playback of the target timeline.
Click Sequence – Go ForwardComplete animations in the current sequence if any, and run animations in the next sequence.
Click Sequence – Go BackComplete animations in the current sequence if any, and run animations in the previous sequence.
Show Feedback LayerShow a feedback layer. You can choose to hide the feedback layer after an amount of time.
Hide Feedback LayerHide a feedback layer.
Show ResponsesShow responses for all graded interactions. You can determine which object will show responses as well as which types of responses to be shown.
Adjust VariableChange the value of a variable. You can assign a value (or another variable value) to the target variable, toggle the value of true/false variables, and do basic math with number variables.
Start TimerMake the timer start counting, do nothing if it is running. If the timer has finished, the action restarts it.
Pause TimerPause the timer but keep the current value, do nothing if it is paused.
Stop TimerStop the timer and reset its value.
Send EmailLaunch the default email client program installed on user PC, and load the previously configured contents in the mail (including recipient address and subject line).

Note that the email is not sent silently or automatically, instead users must manually press the send button. Users can also modify the email contents before sending.

Open WebpageOpen a specified URL. Choose to open it in the current, new, parent, topmost, or named window.
Execute JavaScriptExecute a specified JavaScript. Write the script in the window that appears.